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发布时间:2024-07-23 作者: 编辑:科研公告 浏览次数:

主讲人:辛小龙、 Arsham Borumand Saeid、Marjan Kuchaki Rafsanjani、陈婷

时 间:2024年7月27日8:30-12:05





Arsham Borumand Saeid,伊朗克尔曼沙希德·巴霍纳尔大学教授,主要研究泛代数、逻辑代数、超代数和模糊集理论及其应用。现为《Journal of Mahani Mathematical Research》、《Transactions on Fuzzy Sets and Systems》等期刊的主编,《Iranian Journal of Fuzzy System》、《Fuzzy systems and applications》、《Journal of Computational algebras》、《Journal of Algebraic Hyperstructures and Logical Algebras》、《Journal of Mahani Mathematical Research》、《Scienti?c Journals International (SJI)(Math. Statistics)》、《International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms》、《Indian Journals of Science and Technology》、《Int. J. Applied Math & Stat.》、《Journal of Statistics and Mathematics》、《Fuzzy systems and applications》等期刊的编委。在《Fuzzy Sets and Systems》、《Trans. Fuzzy Sets Syst》、《Soft Computing》、《Math. Slovaca》、《Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing》等期刊发表论文180余篇,SCI收录80余篇。参加国内外学术会议并做报告50余次,主持各类科技项目30余项,多次荣获克尔曼沙希德·巴霍纳尔大学最成功研究者奖,2011年和2020年两次荣获伊朗克尔曼省最高研究者奖。

Marjan Kuchaki Rafsanjani,伊朗克尔曼沙希德·巴霍纳尔大学数学与计算机学院计算机科学系的终身教授。现任《模糊集与系统》、《人工智能的360足球比分,竞彩足球比分应用》等多个国际期刊的评审员。在国际期刊上发表论文90余篇,担任导师指导博士5人,研究生学生50余人。她曾八次荣获最优秀研究者奖。她的主要研究领域是计算机网络(移动自组织网络、无线传感器网络、无线可充电传感器网络、车载自组织网络、飞行自组织网络)、机器学习、网络安全、网格和云计算、人工智能、智能系统、生物信息学、软计算、物联网。

陈婷,统计学博士,讲师,中共党员。主讲课程:概率论与数理统计、大数据技术概论、临床试验统计学等。研究方向包括数理统计,应用统计。研究内容主要为复杂数据分析,中介分析,机器学习。参与国家自然科学基金2项,主持河南省科技厅项目1项。在统计学及数学等相关期刊如《中国科学·数学》、《Communications in Statistics》等国内外杂志上发表研究型论文6篇。指导学生参与“全国大学生市场调查与分析大赛”获国家三等奖1项,河南省一等奖1项


A unified framework and common model for non-classical logic—Pseudo L-algebras

讲座内容:In [W. Rump, L-algebras, self-similarity, and l-groups, Journal of Algebra 320(2008) 2328-2348], the concept of L-algebras was introduced by Rump, which form the algebraic solutions of the quantum Yang-Baxter equation.

In this talk, we firstly introduce generalized structures of L-algebras, called pseudo L-algebras, which are the multiplication reduction of pseudo hoops and are structures combining two L-algebras with one compatible order. We prove that every pseudo hoop gives rise to a pseudo L-algebra and every pseudo effect algebra gives rise to a pseudo L-algebra. The self-similarity is the most important property of an L-algebra L, which guarantees to induce a multiplication on L. We introduce a notion of self-similar pseudo L-algebras and prove that a self-similar pseudo L-algebra becomes an L-algebra if and only if the multiplication is commutative.

Secondly, we use pseudo L-algebra to unify several important classes of fuzzy logic and quantum logic. We get some interesting results: (1) Every ortho-pseudo Heyting algebra is a pseudo L-algebra, which shows that pseudo L-algebras are a generalized algebraic model of non-commutative intuitionistic logic. (2) Each pseudo-MV algebra is a pseudo L-algebra, which means that pseudo L-algebras are a generalized algebraic model of non-commutative Lukasiewicz logic. (3) Every lattice-ordered pseudo effect algebra gives rise to a pseudo L-algebra and every pseudo orthomodular lattice is a pseudo L-algebra. The results shows that pseudo L-algebras are a generalized algebraic model of non-commutative quantum logic.

Finally, we use self-similar pseudo L-algebras as common model of non-classical logic. For this topic, some interesting results are obtained: (1) Every self-similar pseudo L-algebra is a pseudo BCK-algebra. (2) Every self-similar pseudo L-algebra with a negation is a pseudo residuated lattice. (3) Every self-similar pseudo L-algebra is a pseudo-BE algebra. These results indicate that self-similar pseudo L-algebras form the common algebraic model of combinatorial logic, substructure logic and basic logic.

讲座题目:Extensions of Z?ideals in MV ?algebras

讲座内容:In this talk, we introduce a special types of Z?ideals in MV ?algebras and delve into their properties. These particular ideals are thoroughly examined within the context of MV ?chains, semi-simple MV ?algebras and Hyperarchimedean structures. Furthermore, we provide characterizations for these ideals, offering equivalent definitions that enhance our understanding of their nature. Our investigation also encompasses the relationships between these special Z?ideals and other types of ideals, such as the minimal prime ideals and the maximal ideals. Overall, this paper aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of special Z?ideals in MV?algebras.

讲座题目:Fuzzy-Metaheuristic-Swarm Cluster-based Routing Schemes for Sustainable Smart Cities

讲座内容:With the development of the last technologies and changes in human life, the wireless sensor networks are widely used. The sensors are integrated in a way that produces big data. The sensor system creates several challenges, which include getting actual information from massive amount of data with high accuracy, increasing processing efficiency, reducing power consumption, providing a reliable route toward destination using minimum bandwidth, and so on. This talk focuses on recent developments in wireless sensor networks (WSNs), cluster-based routing protocols in WSNs as well as wireless rechargeable sensor networks (WRSNs) and their role in future smart cities will be highlighted. On the other hand, optimization techniques (metaheuristic and swarm intelligence algorithms), fuzzy logic and their combination have been used to design efficient methods for applications in smart cities. Achieving a sustainable state in smart cities would require ongoing monitoring and evaluation of all activities in different dimensions. Hence, it is essential to use smart systems and adaptable, reliable, and controllable schemes in all dimensions of smart cities. Finally, we mention to one of our last research projects entitled CFMCRS (calibration fuzzy-metaheuristic clustering routing scheme) simultaneous in on-demand WRSNs for sustainable smart city.



